Grow your business with storyselling copy. Starting autumn 2024

Create your own client-attracting copy in 1 hour a week and make yourself irresistible for your soul clients! (even in challenging times)

Let's Go! 👉


You have special skills, but aren’t reaching enough clients...

Maybe no-one's opening your emails or reacting to your posts.

Or they just don't get how great your service is.

You might have already tried all kinds of things out, like templates and ChatGPT.

But still none of it is working.

And honestly, you're starting to lose confidence (however much you focus on gratitude, abundance or flow)?

You might have stopped posting or emailing entirely.

And you're worried about how you're ever going to make a real success of your business. Heck, right now making it through the next few months feels like enough of a challenge!

Curious how YOU could create copy that engages and leads naturally into sales?

Without feeling overwhelmed, confused, or exhausted?

All for a low monthly investment?


The Epic Copy Seekers membership shows you how to write your own client-attracting copy, step by step so you’ll never be lost for words again.

You get practical trainings, support, and accountability (all for less than the price of a bottle of ketchup per day. And seriously, who needs that much ketchup?).

And you’ll learn how to create epic offers that your audience will love (and buy!) too. Even if this is completely new for you.


You’re a coach or healer who wants to do more of what you love

You want to make the world a bit better place

You’d love to express yourself better and create copy that brings in more clients

You’re open to new approaches, love to learn and aren’t addicted to your comfort zone

You enjoy working in a group, supporting others and exchanging ideas

Starting autumn 2024

Enrol now 👉


When I started my business, I noticed something curious. I wasn’t the only one finding it hard to be visible. And I definitely wasn’t the only female entrepreneur hiding. So many of us do!

You see, I started my business in 2009, as a post-divorce single Mum with 2 small kids and fire in my belly. But as my energy got gobbled up by paying the rent, I struggled to be visible and talk about what I did. Even though I knew this was the key to growing my business.

Thankfully, I found the words and visibility I needed, and life started to get easier.

I believe we women have been keeping quiet for too long. We’ve learned to listen, to nurture and to put others first.

But we were never taught how to speak up, say what makes us epic or how to make more sales.

So, I set out to help women find the words they need, so they can help more clients.


When I started my business, I noticed something curious. I wasn’t the only one who found it hard to be visible. And I definitely wasn’t the only female entrepreneur hiding. So many of us do!

You see, I started my business in 2009, as a post-divorce single Mum with 2 small kids and fire in my belly. But as my energy got gobbled up by paying my rent, I struggled to be visible and talk about what I did. Even though I knew these were the key to growing my business.

Thankfully, I slowly found the words and visibility I needed, and life started to get easier.

I believe we women have been keeping quiet for too long. We’ve learned to listen, to nurture and to put others first.

But we weren’t taught how to speak up, say what makes us epic or how to make more sales.

So, I set out to help women find the words they need so they can help more clients.

See, if you know what to say and how to say it, attracting clients becomes much easier.

Imagine people opening your newsletters and replying. People engaging with your posts, telling you how much they love what you're saying.

Imagine it's natural for you to talk about the amazing things you do. That people can feel your energy, heart, and passion (so friggin’ attractive). And imagine knowing how to ethically invite people to work with you. It's like you’ve got your own magic potion brewing.

Ultimately, we all want to do more of what we love, don't we? In a way that feels good. And so we can support more clients.

The Epic Copy Seekers helps you help more people

See, if you know what to say and how to say it, attracting clients becomes much easier.

Imagine people opening your newsletters and replying. People engaging with your posts, telling you how much they love what you're saying.

Imagine it's becomes natural to talk about the amazing things you do. That people feel your energy, heart, and passion (which is so friggin’ attractive).

Imagine knowing how to ethically invite people to buy from you. It's like you’ve got your own magic potion brewing.

Ultimately, we all want to do more of what we love, don't we? In a way that feels good. And so, you can support more clients.

The Epic Copy Seekers helps you help more people.

"Epic Copy Seekers is fun and doable (easy to implement in a busy schedule). You can choose your own pace, it's inspiring, and material for growth."


"I now feel confident that my posts are starting to talk to the right people"


"Epic Copy Seekers makes you feel seen. I have learnt that copywriting can be fun - the feedback is immensely helpful"



The 4-phase Epic Copy Success Path will keep you moving and show you exactly what to do next.

There are well over 30 pre-recorded trainings waiting for you inside, which help you create your own epic storyselling copy. 

  • Bring your own writing and get expert feedback at the monthly Q&A. So, you never have to feel stuck.
  • Write for your business at the 2 co-working sessions (these are the expert secret to actually getting things done).
  • Ask for feedback from others in the Facebook group and get support, celebrations, and motivation too!
  • There’s also FUN stuff like writing challenges. All to motivate you to create the epic copy you need to grow your business (despite your busy schedule).
  • The 30+ videos are all available from day one.
  • Take our quiz to find out what to focus on next.
  • Then use our quick-search bar to find exactly what you need when you need it.

🚩 Feel seen, accepted,
and encouraged.

🚩 Work at your own pace, learn valuable skills & create copy as you go.

🚩 Never be lost for
words again!


Essential skills, like writing an epic promise or what to do if you‘ve got writer’s block. Techniques for emails, sales pages and your website. The whole sha-bang!

Each training builds on your skills AND creates materials that you can use in posts, emails, on your site, sales pages, blogs etc.

You’ll also learn all the ingredients you need to cook up an irresistible offer (because without that, your copy's going nowhere).


  • Planning session every month (60 minutes)
  • Live Q&A session with Lynn Coleman every month (60 minutes)
  • 2 live co-working sessions every month (overwhelm begone!)
  • 30+ pre-recorded trainings to dip into as soon as you join
  • The 30+ videos are all available from day one.
  • Take our quiz to find out what to focus on next.
  • Then use our quick-search bar to find exactly what you need when you need it.
  • Feedback and support from the Epic Copy Seekers community
  • Epic copy seekers prices for courses, events and 1-to-1 support from Lynn

BONUS: Epic Sales Page Pack, so you can snazz up your sales page straightaway
(pre-recorded webinar plus handy guides)

BONUS: personal Strike Sales Page Gold Session, where I’ll personally look at YOUR sales page and show you where you can sprinkle some extra magic
(annual members, 45 minutes)


I've only just started my business, do I need this?

As long as you know what you’re offering, yep! In fact, knowing what to say and how to say it, will help your business grow faster. Just follow the step-by-step Epic Success Map to create all the copy you’ll need.  

I’ve been in business for a while, will this help?

Definitely. Dip into the trainings when you launch new products, get feedback on what you create, and join us at the co-working sessions to make sure you get your copy done. (If you’re looking for a copywriter to write FOR you, send an email to  

Can everybody write for their business?

No one is born writing copy (hey, babies can’t even hold fat, stubby crayons). So, we all have to learn. And you need 5 things: 1. tactics, 2. structure, 3. practice, 4. feedback, and 5. a willingness to learn. The Epic Copy Seekers will give you the first 4. Do you have the 5th? Then, you've got this.

Can’t I get my VA to write for me? She says she writes copy.

Well, you could, if you’re certain she knows what she’s doing AND she cares as much about your business as you do (T.b.h. if she’s really a good copywriter, why isn’t she working as one?). Your REAL choice is this: do you want to hire a copywriter or learn how to write copy yourself? 

How much time will this take?

1 hour a week. Don’t forget, the co-working sessions will actually save you time. There’s something about accountability and knowing what you're doing that speeds you up!

Will I get stuck with payments for something that isn’t useful to me?

Nope. Stay as long as it’s useful to you and not a day longer. You’re free to cancel whenever you want to (that goes for yearly members too).  

Are there replays?

Yes, for the live trainings and the Q&A sessions, so you can catch up later if you’re busy at that time or in a different time zone  

What’s the group like?

Warm, welcoming, and wise (oh and we have fun too!). Expect to make friends for life. When our members join, they stay.

How do the payments work?

Pay monthly (ideal if you’re watching the cash flow) or yearly (SAVE 2 months every year).

I’m still not sure this is for me. How can I be sure?

Send me an email on and I’ll help you work this out (I want you to make the right decision for you).

"Working with Lynn is playful, professional and easy at the same time. I feel she really wants me to succeed and helps me in a way that fits me."


"I couldn't have grown my business without Lynn's mentoring and support"


"Lynn helps you get clear in your mind to find the right words for what you always wanted to say, but didn't know how "



You’ll get access to the 30+ training library and the Epic Sales Page Pack bonus straightaway.

You’ll receive introductory videos, so you understand exactly how the Epic Copy Seekers works.

I’ll suggest the best path for you to take, so you make maximum progress with minimum overwhelm.

Meet the other Epic Copy Seekers (such a beautiful bunch!)

And within a week, you’ll feel completely at home. 


To be honest, each of the monthly trainings could easily cost you €97. Then there’s the monthly Q&A and the accountability sessions. Together this is easily worth €297 a month.

Don’t forget the bonus for annual members: a Strike Sales Page Gold Session, which normally sells at €297.

But, because I want this to be available for coaches and healers at different stages of their business, you can join for €27 a month or €270 a year
(this price will be going up in the future , but YOU will never pay a peseta more as long as you remain a member).

Annual payment bonus is a free ticket to Alchemy Live in Amsterdam in April 2025 (value 397)

Let's compare that to your alternatives.

You could hire a copywriter (expect to pay upwards of $100 an hour).

Or you could join a short copywriting course like the Copy Cure (currently costs $1499 with no guarantee of individual feedback).

Or join another copywriting membership. But frankly mostt of these are for copywriters. So, how would they help YOU?

Or you can join the Epic Copy Seekers for €27 a month or €270 a year and get continuous, individual support while you learn how to write epic copy for yourself.

I want you to be completely happy in the Epic Copy Seekers and I’m excited for how this membership is going to show you how to write epic copy, attract more clients and grow your business.

So, here’s my guarantee.

If you don't think this is the warmest, most welcoming and effective membership you've ever joined, simply cancel during the first 14 days and I'll give you your money back.


You’ve read this far, so you understand what learning how to write epic copy can do for you.

So, here’s one last question for you: Why wait any longer to upgrade your writing, so you can grow your business and help more clients?

It's so easy to decide to do something later. But in truth, that hardly ever happens. So, why let this ship sail when you could have more people opening your emails? More people engaging with your posts? And more clients wanting to work with you?